Gatineau personalities and historical events
by Ernie Mahoney
Published 2010 by Gatineau Valley Historical Society.
Original document 28 MB
Tributes - Table of Contents
I. Cantley - Chelsea - Farm Point - Kirk's Ferry
- Homer: The Oldest Living Cross
- Arthur Brown: Recollections
- Whatever Happened to Ambroise Meunier?
- Doug Minnes Celebrates Ten Years as Mayor
- Bill Mason: The Waterwalker Man
- Eric Morse of Morse River - and Larrimac
- Fred Vetsch: 900,000 Loaves Later
- Robert S. Hyndman: Portraits Personified
- Colonel D.E. Macintyre (1885-1974)
- Bob Phillips: A Tribute to a Good Man, a Good Journalist
- Stan Healey's Recollections
II. Alcove - Low - Masham - Rupert - Wakefield
- Lorne Brown: A Wakefield Legend
- The Last Dr. Geggie Retires
- Lorne Shouldice Remembers the Nabob
- Father Andre Gauvreau: Not One Man Alone
- Reno Helped to Build First Tractor
- Ken Young: Wakefield's Last Miller
- Nesbitt Roots 150 Years Long
- Willie Pilon: A Walking History Lesson
- Bud Drury: Memories of a Master Politician
- Roy Morrison: 50 years of Automotive Experience
- Mayme Pritchard: A Lifetime of Music Flows from her Fingers
- The Changing Face of the Wakefield Inn, 1860s to 1984
- A Bridge-a-Building
- Sully's Mill, the Backbone of Wakefield Village
III. Gatineau Valley

Editorial Notes
In 1985, Ernie Mahoney joined the staff of The Low Down to Hull and Back News, a weekly newspaper based in Wakefield, Quebec and published by Art Mantell of Chelsea. His assignment was to produce a regular column on interesting residents of the Gatineau Valley, of which there has never been a shortage.
Ernie was no stranger to the Gatineau. He also had the capacity to gain the confidence of the subjects of his interviews and to record their stories discreetly and honestly.
After moving to The West-Quebec Post in 1987 as the Wakefield editor of this Buckingham-based paper, Ernie continued to write a similar column. It was entitled "West-Quebec Life" and was featured in selective issues of this weekly for a number of years.
Prior to the print technology available to us today, board paste-ups were often used in print production. This was the method used to print Ernie's early stories and the accompanying photos taken by him. Over twenty years later these boards were deemed to be of archival interest, and at a meeting of archives volunteers for the Gatineau Valley Historical Society (GVHS), Erik Rask volunteered to scan the boards and make them available on computer disk.
Following the scanning project, we spent many hours reading and editing the stories with a view to re-publishing the best of them. Also, we were aware that over the years Ernie had written no fewer than twelve articles for the annual journal of the GVHS, Up the Gatineau!, and several of these have been included in the collection.
In his articles Ernie often used the word "tribute." For this reason we have entitled the book "Tributes," applying it to Ernie himself, as well as to the many historic figures he profiled within its pages.
We dedicate this publication to Ernie Mahoney in recognition of his many contributions to the preservation of the rich history of the Gatineau Valley.
Sadly, Ernie, who was aware of our plans to publish this book, did not live to see his stories in print once more. He passed away on April 28, 2009.
Norma Geggie and Anita Rutledge